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brochures & sell sheets

First Rehab Life - Product Portfolio Brochures
for new Corporate Identity

year: 2003-2008
format: 8.5x11, 2-16 pages
paper stock: 100lb. Garda Silk text

image(s): stock photography
design: Katrin Atienza
copy: Katrin Atienza,
Rick Weinstein, David Epstein, Fern Summer

title: "More than DBL" Response Brochure
employer: First Rehab Life
year: 2004/5
paper stock: 80lb. matte coated cover with spot varnish

image(s): stock photos
design: Katrin Atienza
copy: Katrin Atienza
, Rick Weinstein, David Epstein, Fern Summer

(image shows "before" and "after")

winning entry @ The 17th Annual Awards in Publication Excellence (APEX 2005), category: Best Re-Designs

title: "Multiple Musicians against Multiple Myeloma" Flyer
client: Multiple Musicians against Multiple Myeloma (International Myeloma Foundation)
year: 2004
format: 8.5x11

design: Katrin Atienza
copy: Naomi Margolin, Katrin Atienza

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Webdesign and content © KATconcept, Inc./Katrin Atienza 2003-2006